The Forgotten Goals & Resolutions 30-Days Challenge 2015 has begun with 9 challengers. These are their submissions. Let’s keep one and other accountable and motivated!

I’m over extending in hundreds of directions! I am compulsive about making the world a better place by offering my martial art mindset, wisdom, and knowledge to others via my blogging. At times, I lose sight of the very thing I profess to others, and that is to make every day count. […]
I’m Logen, a ninja enthusiast who, through fitness, movement, martial arts and mindfulness, seeks to usher in the way of the ninja into the modern world. Having run Way Of Ninja since 2008, I’m presently ramping up my efforts in establishing a warrior lifestyle routine that touches on the four mentioned aspects. […]
Brown Belt Honto Ryu Karate, White Belt 1 Stripe GoJu Ryu Karate, 3 Years Pekiti Tersai Kali, Senior Network Engineer – Wireless. Into Cycling, Hiking, and Archery. Have an awesome, active wife and 2 ACTIVE little girls (ages 1 & 4). […]
I began training in Karate in June of 2014. I have been struggling with pain in latissimus dorsi muscles off an on for the last six months. A good hard punch sets me up for it, the rest is my own darn fault. I need to re-gain the ground I’ve lost and push beyond where I was before the latest injury. […]
I am 29 and currently my focus has shifted to getting the community accept and potentially participate in parkour/freerunning and will be giving a presentation on the intro to the art of movement in the next week. I have studied martial arts since a young age and have always been drawn to Ninjutsu and the Shinobi. I am Thankful to have found English translations on the shoininki and bansenshukai in the last few years and very thankful to Way of Ninja for all the support! […]
Hello! My name is Devon Collins, and I’m currently at the age of 18. Some of my hobbies include playing games, reading and learning about Japan’s history and culture, weapon collecting, and showing enthusiasm to the spirit of ninja. I recently began wood crafting Japanese related projects as well. On top of that, I’ve been practicing Taekwondo ever since the age of 16. I’m currently a First Degree Black Belt, as well as a Certified Team Instructor with the three academies located our town. Starting at a Yellow Belt, I’ve competed in numerous tournaments, and have achieved six different titles. […]
Hello, my name is Charles Franklin!
I am a millennial who is not content to stay within the confines of my family history. I want to use what I can to build something better. My journey to fitness began after watching Batman at 5 years of age. Batman was THE man because he had the cool life-cool toys, money, got to beat up bad guys, and the good life. At the time I watched Batman, I was a Black skinny kid in a single parent household. The only legacy that I would have would be a statistic. […]
Kristin here! I tore my ACL in September of 2014 during a mud run. Planning on having surgery in late spring or early summer. I miss running, the outdoors, plyo, heavy weights… Frustration over my limitations and stress have caused me to stop moving forward. My goal is to strengthen my body, mind, and spirit in preparation for surgery. […]
I’m an avid runner, adventurer, and nature lover. I also work full-time and I’m in my last year of finishing up a double Master’s Degree and training for my first 50 mile race. My schedule is hectic and I am constantly trying to balance work, school, social, and personal time. […]