What Should You Do If Someone Abducts You with a Gun? [Scenario]
What would you do in this attempted abduction scenario? Screech! A van stops beside you and the door…
What would you do in this attempted abduction scenario? Screech! A van stops beside you and the door…
Want to discover and experience the truth about the ninja, backed by actual academic research and science? Head down…
Antony Cummins is a historical ninjutsu researcher whose team has analysed existing sources about the shinobi and samurai. He has kindly answered my questions…
Could a unique ninja martial art have evolved from regular samurai combat techniques, to make the shinobi more…
What fighting techniques did the ninja train in? Was there actually a ninja martial art? Find out what historical documents…
You want to live the modern warrior’s way of life and add physical fitness and martial arts into your lifestyle. But…
Years ago, I found it difficult to train consistently in both fitness and martial arts. How do people…
How do ninjutsu techniques actually look like? They aren’t exactly martial art moves, but stealth techniques. COOL JAPAN…
How to be a ninja in real life? You’ve always wanted to move and fight like a ninja….